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Em um mundo multiplataforma, a produção audiovisual alcançou novos rumos.
A cinematografia abriu espaço para novos formatos, que serão hoje muito mais vistos através de um smartphone do que em telas de TV ou de cinema.
Por isso o Studio Beyond criou um verdadeiro laboratório de produção para multiformatos, atendendo a todas as demandas do mercado brasileiro e internacional.
Das produções cinematográficas até as animações complexas para treinamentos corporativos, inclusive passando por multimeios como o metaverso, temos toda a infraestrutura, da criação à produção e finalização.
Vamos conversar e trazer formatos inovadores para sua empresa mostrar o que tem de melhor ou como fazê-lo.


Herbarium Institutional Video
Entirely produced from images recorded at Herbarium's headquarters in Paraná and in its office in Rio de Janeiro, this institutional was created to present the purpose and strength of the largest company in the field of herbal medicines in Brazil.

One of the most traditional food companies in Brazil and today part of the Spanish group Calvo, Gomes da Costa commissioned Studio Beyond to produce its institutional.
Drones, 4k images and a refined design in the direction of this documentary were important to portray the company in the best way.

Studio Beyond created and produced a series of medical classes for GSK, using the latest techniques, visual effects, 3D animations and virtual sets.
With one detail: all production stages, from recordings to the final product, were carried out in our studios.

Preparing Retail for SC Johnson
To prepare an elite team, nothing better than a high quality material showing the step by step of your mission at the point of sale. We developed the project to create the training video and various graphic materials, distributed throughout Brazil

Bakery School - AB Brazil
Old School! That would be an adjective for this video!
A channel to bring the company closer to producers and bakers across the country, a virtual bakery school, with tips, recipes and information about the best products for each occasion and trade profile.

Through technical illustrations we created a digital animation in the form of this training video for dermatologists, presenting the benefits of this GSK product
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